What is some real advice on how to stop scrolling

I’ve quit hard drugs, I’ve quit porn, I’ve quit gluten AND cheese, but tiktok and scrolling in general have me in an absolute vice.

The shit on tiktok isn’t even good, it bothers me and maybe that’s the satisfaction but I genuinely go into a trance for hours a day. Same for twitter Reddit etc. I think there’s an obsession-compulsion insofar as there are SOME tidbits of info here and there that are new and valuable that I would have missed out on, and I am afraid of missing out on something on there.

Also, I have this perverse need to stay up to date on everything that’s happening which is impossible nowadays without spending hours per day scrolling.

Anything worked for you? How do I become okay with missing out. If you say get a dummy phone I’m going to ignore you because that’s just unrealistic