I'm in love with my rented girlfriend

Before my flight back I decided to see the same rent a girlfriend one more time before I left and honestly I don't want to ever leave her. I had a flight booked to fly back to the US from Japan last Wednesday but I didn't go and I've been using all my sick leave and PTO to stay here. For the first time in my life, there's a girl that is actually spending time with me. I can't fucking go back to San Jose just to work at my computer screen for 6+ hours a day only to finish the work day and sit in my apartment alone/depressed. Genuinely, I think if I have to go back to that lifestyle I'm going into the office and throwing myself off the top floor. I'm pretty sure I run out of sick days/PTO after this Friday, but I might just delete slack and not go back. I think I'm going to stay here and apply for a Japanese visa. I've spent about $4000 on her last week including restaurants/activities etc. and I have over $200k saved so I should be able to keep this going for a while. I'm also considering asking her if she'll go out with me for real but that's technically against the rules and if they ban me from seeing her I don't think I can mentally take it. This past week has been the happiest I've been in my life but I also feel like I'm about to destroy my life.