Why is everyone in this website so obsessed with collective punishment and guilt
First really noticed this when Russia invaded Ukraine and everyone on Reddit began going apeshit about how all Russians were complicit and guilty if they did not sacrifice their lives in the name of anti-government resistance. Wtf is up with this? Now I'm also seeing a lot of genuine rage directed at Americans with the exact same rhetoric: they're all guilty, complicit, suspect, etc. and innocence can only be proven by action (which apparently entails trying to assassinate the president and therefore basically killing yourself) and never assumed. The worst case of this is how people make jokes and gleefully celebrate some Ivanovich conscript, probably some poor as shit and ignorant guy from an impoverished backwater Oblast deep in Siberia, getting mutilated in horrible fashion in war he realistically had zero say in.
I guess the signs were also there before, e.g. everytime a picture of some corpses of Japanese or German civilians in WW2 got posted on somewhere like /r/historyporn you'd see someone going "they asked for it!" (Not that I'm a "Remember the 3 bazillion dead at Dresden" AfD type either, defeating Germany was a good thing obv but still we really don't need to cheer about or minimize the deaths of kids born in the wrong place and time)
It's psychotic, I genuinely don't understand how anyone thinks like this.