Cumtown is officially over


Hello to anyone that's forgotten to cancel!

Long overdue, here's the final episode of Cum Town.

The show has often been accused of being "ironic." So I want to be clear when I say, sincerely, thanks to everyone that ever listened (and hopefully laughed.)

In 2016, we sat down and recorded an hour of audio in Stav's apartment, just going through the motions of what was required of comedians that year. Okay, we said, I guess we have to have a podcast now. We didn't have a name for the show. We didn't know if we'd do a second episode.

What grew out of it changed our lives in ways we didn't think were possible. Playstation, Vitamix, harassing Japanese people - in JAPAN! And it wouldn't have happened without your support.

So now, that our journey has come to an end, we'd like to say to the fans, our "best friends," the reddit psychos, the bees, the guy that did heroin on stream, the goth latinos, smalldickproblems, the tinder update guy, and everyone else, thank you and godspeed. Farewell.


Nick, Stav, and Adam