My "the world you remember no longer exists" melancholy is really overwhelming
There's such a quiet and ostracising sense of melancholy and homelessness when you realize the home you grew up in no longer exists. Such a weird and deep sadness. The realization you are an unwanted stranger on the streets you grew up on and your culture has permanently evaporated.
I hate that I have to post sounding like such a rightoid, but im just so sad. No more cheeky cockney accents in the East of London, just Bengali being screeched. All the cosy cafes are now just fried chicken shops. No more old British ladies pottering back and forth to the market, just old ladies in Niqabs or hijabs literally not allowed to speak. Any old British people have been priced out, or long since died and been replaced by Bengali/Bangladeshi/Pakistani families.
Just such a great loss and such a sad feeling to see London go from one of the greatest cities on earth to nothing, to a nub, to a squeaking gerbil.