Lifestyle jealousy

A lot of former classmates of mine who have had all of their education and lifestyle paid for by either parents or investment accounts graduate school and immediately work abroad in Spain to “teach” Spanish schoolchildren English when I knew fully well they are the biggest airheads on Earth. And I mean “teach” with the largest airquotes known to man because they should not be in education whatsoever. Meanwhile, I must bust my ass with my hour commute to and from work everyday to get my career off the ground. Silver lining is that I get to embrace the suck now and acknowledge this is what it takes to get ahead in America.

Stupid thing to be worked up over but I really wish I could halfass my way through life, get drunk and party in every EU country for an entire year, then come back to America and have a great Saas job just because my dad went to school with some guy at said company. Saying all this because I’m first-gen American and experiencing all of this on my own without any perspective. Also im drunk happy new year