It really is disgusting how soulless and fucking LAME modern cars are

They're all huge to compensate for our increasingly fat and disgusting population - next time you see a late 90's early 2000's era Toyota look at how narrow and small it is compared to what we would call nowadays a small crossover. You can barely get anything in a manual anymore because we want everything to be easy and can't be bothered to learn anything, leading to a lack of affordable daily drivers with a stick - it's now generally a pricier trim that they reserve a manual transmission for.

Every single "Crossover" looks the exact fucking same, ugly shape with the same lines. They might as well be made in the same factory. "Family Cars" used to refer to a sedan or a wagon rather than a giant Suburban or whatever the fuck that barred out suburban moms need to make their Target trips.

And then we have these stupid fucking "eco-friendly" electric cars like the Rivians (AKA what you drive when you want to seem granola but have money and there was a wait for the newest 4runner) that all weight 8,000 pounds with 1000 horsepower and take 60 feet to stop.

Anyways, this is a rant because I want a GE8 Fit and can't find one that isn't clapped out for a reasonable price