All materials needed to craft everything at Trapper
Thought I’d share this list I made for myself. A condensed alphabetised list for everything you need to unlock all items at the trapper. Pelts, hides and skins need to be perfect, but the feathers can be obtained from poorer quality birds. You only receive fewer feathers for each kill. Hope someone finds this useful. Cheers!
Perfect Pelts/Skins/Hides: Alligator x1, Armadillo x2, Badger x2, Bear x2, Beaver x7, Bison x3, Black Bear x3, Boar x9, Buck x4, Bull x3, Collared Peccary Pig x5, Cougar x4, Cow x4, Coyote x4, Deer x5, Elk x5, Fox x3, Gila Monster x2, Goat x8, Iguana x3, Moose x4, Muskrat x7, Opossum x4, Ox x4, Panther x3, Pig x2, Pronghorn x4, Rabbit x7, Racoon x1, Ram x6, Rat x16, Sheep x10, Skunk x3, Snake x15, Squirrel x6, Wolf x3,
Feathers: Blue Jay x3, Cardinal x3, Cedar Waxwing x2, Chicken x4, Condor x1, Crow x2, Duck x3, Eagle x4, Goose x2, Hawk x3, Loon x2, Oriole x5, Owl x1, Pheasant x2, Pigeon x2, Quail x2, Raven x13, Robin x7, Rooster x4, Seagull x1, Songbird x2, Sparrow x4, Turkey x6, Vulture x1, Woodpecker x6
Legendary Animals: Alligator, Bear, Beaver, Boar, Buck, Cougar, Coyote, Elk, Fox, Moose, Panther, Pronghorn, Ram, Tatanka Bison, White Bison, Wolf