Let’s say you were in charge of the Saint Denis heist how would you have done it in a way that minimized bloodshed and kept the gang safe?

First thing first : A More Focused Team Would Have Worked Better I mean there was only ONE guard ! Imagine just Arthur, Charles, Lenny, and John handling the job: • Quiet entry. • Clean getaway. • Less attention drawn to the gang. Bringing eight+ people only made them easier to spot, increased law presence, and caused unnecessary casualties. They didn’t need a whole army. They needed a good plan and a tight crew.

First thing first : A More Focused Team Would Have Worked Better I mean there was only ONE guard ! Imagine just Arthur, Charles, Lenny, and John handling the job: • Quiet entry. • Clean getaway. • Less attention drawn to the gang. Bringing eight+ people only made them easier to spot, increased law presence, and caused unnecessary casualties. They didn’t need a whole army. They needed a good plan and a tight crew.