“The pay rate is low”

So I had an Indian recruiter who I dealt with before (I know, first mistake) message me on LinkedIn about another job with the same company that he allegedly sent my resume too. He actually wrote the words “the pay rate is low” and mentioned that he emailed me the JD and wanted me to know what I thought.


Wow, I mean with a selling point like that how could I say no. (I did)

He said that he’d message me about jobs with better pay rates. I thanked him and asked him to message me when that company he allegedly submitted me to magically produces an interview. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Note: so this rant was partially influenced by more shit job news that i got today. This prick was the shitty cherry on the shit Sunday.