How to position Facebook Business vs Personal page for my niche

So i have started a Facebook Business Page and also an Instagram page besides my personal for my Realtor identity. Everything is great ive been posting for a while and decided to start putting some advertising out there and unfortunately learned that there are new rules on advertising housing.

The problem here which lot of people who are targeting a niche may have is as you know we cannot target specific areas, demographics, interests etc. any longer. My niche is my national background, there are a lot of people from the same nationality as myself in my office proximity and speaking their language is a plus and always gets me business.

Since i cannot target them specifically with my Facebook Business page i am thinking about turning my Personal page public and start friend requesting everyone i can reach within the area that are from my home county. I can run English posts and ads on my Facebook Business page target general audience, meanwhile post in my native language and target my niche through my personal page. Is this a good idea? Is this how people overcome the Facebook advertising rules?