Shifting questions
I'm new to the whole concept, yeah I've tried once or twice but that was about 2019-2020 and I did no research and genuinely just hoped it'd work. But, I do have MANY questions and I hope y'all will be willing to help me out here :)
When you shift I've seen people say they can stay there for hours, days, weeks, months, during that time what happens to your CR while you're in your DR? Is your body in a coma or something?
How do you know when or if you will shift?
When you do shift are you aware that it isn't your original reality or are you entirely oblivious to the fact that your DR isn't your original?
Can anyone and everybody shift or is it a select few?
Is there any tips and tricks that help y'all? I know nobody can tell you exactly how to do it since it's different for everyone but anything that works for y'all?
How do you get out of your DR? -------------------------- ONE MORE QUESTION; Was this close to a shift?
Last night I was lying in bed TRYING to shift, my room was dark, I was lying on my back in a comfortable position, I was trying to shift to TBHK (toilet bound hanako-kun), I did a few affirmations before trying since I couldn't focus on counting and affirmations without losing my number, I was doing the spiral staircase idea. Imagining yourself climbing up a bit spiral staircase. Around 80-100 I felt weird, my body felt very relaxed, I felt like I was sinking, my eyes were closed but my vision was flickering if that makes sense. My heart was beating heavily too, my breathing felt off before it just stopped. I don't know if I accidentally thought of something else or opened my eyes.
Was that anything close to a shift?
That's all, if I think of anything else it will go into the comment.