Dorit/PK conversation

I'm still very unsure about what the real situation is between these 2 but this last diner conversation was so cringy and raised a lot of questions

2 main things that really made me pause:

1 - PK saying he wants a drink then "oh yeah I CANNOT drink, can I" - even as a (bad) joke, didn't seem genuine - particularly from someone admitting to an addiction and working on sobriety... maybe it's me but it all sounded very fake

2 - when discussing lawyers, PK said the reason he wanted Dorit to retain counsel is because he wanted to have a "commercial conversation". I'm sorry but if I am the mother of your kids, there is nothing commercial there - he is smart enough to choose his words carefully so I don't think he meant anything different...

Was already feeling weird about the whole thing before, a lot of it feeling quite performative- but this is worse. Just me?