Stand off with neighbor and their dog

Hey guys, I have a reactive dog, 6 years old. We’ve done everything we can with her but at this point we’ve kind of given up. She has attacked several dogs and the anxiety it causes us is just not worth it. We don’t take her for walks or take her places because of other dogs (especially do to off leash dogs) We have a large back yard and she loves to hang out out there and lay in the sun.

Our neighbors on one side do not like us. We are not on speaking terms. The properties share a 4ft fence and our back deck looks directly through their wire gate to their back yard. I don’t know the story but it seems every time these people go somewhere a new dog shows up. The old one disappears and suddenly they have a new one. This has happens at least 3 times. They recently had a house sitter for 8 months who had a dog. They have a multitude of friends and family over all the time who bring between one and three dogs over with them. Their back door is almost always open when they are home, giving any dogs free access to their back yard at any time.

It’s reached a point where our dog hardly ever gets to go outside anymore. If both dogs are out at the same time ours will just continuously bark at theirs. We never let her out unsupervised for longer than it takes her to do her business. The guy that was living there temporarily was always griping at us that our dog barking was bothering him. We let her in immediately if she barks even once. What he is hearing is the neighbor on our other side who has 2 dogs.

Our dog almost never barks at the dogs on the other side. They’ve been there the whole time we’ve lived here but the other neighbor’s side is just a constant stimulus, often of dogs she isn’t familiar with. You can’t really blame her. Since we rent, we are unable to replace the fence. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make it so our dog can’t see into their yard. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do here? I’m afraid that even if I cover the sight line that she will still react because she can hear the dog/s on the other side.

We’ve considered like an outdoor kennel type situation but the problem is mostly her barking. I feel like the back yard is sort of her last bit of the outside left and us and the neighbors are always in a silent stand off over who’s dog gets to be outside. Unfortunately we have had multiple confrontations with these people and I usually just give in and take my dog inside.

Adding to the problem is that our dog can’t be trusted inside alone and doesn’t like strangers. So if we are both outside or someone comes over she doesn’t know she either has to be outside or in her crate inside. Maybe this is just the way it has to be but I’d love if anyone had any ideas for how to keep her from reacting to every little thing so she can enjoy spending time outside.