got hit by someone who took the red light on western blvd
Hello, lovely people of Reddit,
I was in a car accident about a week ago and could really use some advice. I was making a left turn on a yellow light when another car ran a red light and T-boned me.
• This happened in Raleigh.
• The other driver ran a red light and hit me.
• The police were called, but they claimed the accident was my fault.
• When I read the police report, it stated that I “failed to yield to oncoming traffic”, even though the light was red for them.
• My insurance is also putting the blame on me, even after reviewing the video evidence. (I can’t post the video due to privacy concerns.)
• Insurance basically told me I could either get a lawyer or just take the money.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? How did you handle it? Do I have a chance at winning a case?
Would appreciate any insight—thanks in advance!