Do nparents care if their children kill themselves?
I’m going to guess the answer is no? I’ve heard the saying that people love others in their mean nasty ways but I feel like wirh my Nmom especially after day and the overall month she is cold hearted and selfish. I’ve already known how selfish she each passing day there’s shit in her behavior that just makes it undeniably true. The basics is that she has no concern for my wellbeing mentally and physically. I almost outed the reason why I lost a job offer is because my mental state is fucking mush because of HER but I didn’t say it. I stopped and made up a lie, she didn’t care at all- genuinely care. It was a job that would require me to own a gun so I knew and the interviewer definitely knew I wasn’t mentally sane to do any of the tasks involved and possibly own a firearm. But anyways, it’s very obvious my nmom doesn’t care.