Anyone else whose Nparents AREN'T doctors, lawyers, etc?
I come from the Appalachians. I was the first in my family to go to college on my Nmom's side, and it's something I will never live down. But that also means that most of my family are pretty humble career-wise, including my Nmom. I see a lot of people on this sub whose parents are pretty prestigious sounding (doctors, lawyers, financial professionals, professors, etc).
But how many of us have Nparents who didn't wind up as something like that? Mine worked most of her life in a factory, and it gave her such a huge chip on her shoulder. She thought she deserved so much more. She intentionally held me back in school, and for every achievement I've ever gotten, especially in school or career, she will always have to tag on "if only I had the chance to go to college."
My main purpose here is to see how many people's Nparents actually don't have a prestigious career. I feel like there are two types: The narc who becomes prestigious and uses that in one way against their kids, and the narcs who don't and hold it against their kids. The first version (prestigious) seems way more commonly talked about, but maybe that's my bias talking.