What did your narcissist take from you?

Mine took away my childhood, for sure.

She took away food security and chronically left me in a calorie deficit. Took away any sense of stability by making me go to 9 elementary schools after living in 6 different states. She took away a year and a half of high school, it's amazing I still graduated the same year as my peers.

She took away my trust in people, and robbed me of justice and faith in humanity after sending me to an abusive "therapy school" after I couldn't hide my depression anymore, but that ended up being a dilapidated barn. I was there for 8 months, and it ended up being bad enough to change a State's legislation due to the horrific conditions. Major calorie deficits, not allowed to go outside, vulgar names, extreme punishment. Despite the fact I used to want to be an author, the punishments in said school have damaged my hand to the point of constant pain, so she tried to take my dream.

She took away the meaning of healthy relationships for me after her 3 marriages with all 3 types of abuse and countless other relationships, none of which were my father. She regularly denied me medical care, so she probably stole some health and possible years have now been lost. She even once tried to ignore a SEVERE TBI and broken arm for hours before taking me to the hospital, despite me not knowing who she was, so she probably took some of my cognitive abilities.

She took my ability to regulate my emotions for a long time, because emotions weren't allowed. She pocketed an insurance payout from the fire that burned down my condo because of a 2 year power of attorney in place after trying to kill myself a year and a half prior and almost succeeding. So, she took the money from everything I had owned at one point and left me to call Red Cross and get a hotel for help.

She has taken THOUSANDS of hours of my time from the resulting therapy sessions and the inpatient hospitalizations that have only ever seemed to just inconvenience her, as she's told me she'd rather just bury me because "the world will go on," and that I'm dramatic.

She also kind of took the ability for me to stand up straight after convincing me as an adult to not sue her sisters homeowners insurance after breaking my back on their property due to negligence, and also when she bought a $500 bronco as my first horse, letting me ride it without a saddle as a preteen. I've had 4 back injuries with fractured vertebrae I had to "walk off", only the injury as an adult has ever been treated.

Her parents took another couple thousand dollars from me after the car they "gifted" me they didn't actually gift, they ended up making me pay their friend for a complete lemon. That took some of my health too, because despite them being family, multi millionaires, and saying they'd help, they left me to die in said crappy car in the middle of the woods and winter conditions. They took my sense of self after betraying me and choosing to hire a guy that assaulted me. Those assholes ended up taking away the rest of my entire extended family once I started speaking out, because they've made me into a monster either outright lying or exaggerating or embellishing my faults and ignoring their actions. That has taken away some of the goodness in me because I started believing I was terrible.

For a while, they all took away my self esteem by constantly criticizing every single part of me.

The good news is that all felt so great to get out, I'm now no contact, and as much as I wish I didn't hate my family, I hate my family, because WTF? In some sick twisted way, I also still love them and wish I could forgive them. But I've accepted they've never loved me, and some things are simply unforgivable.