Growing up did your parent(s) make you into a perfectionist or straight A student in school?

For more context, I graduated with honors from college and high school- I'm also a scholar of my province as well. Growing up my mother along with other things always made me feel like I HAD to be perfect in school and that I had to do extremely well. Since my mother along with other things made me feel that way it's like feelings were installed in me the feelings were passed down to me; I felt that I had to do extremely well no excuses and I would push myself so hard to the point that I would burn out it's like I was harming myself in order to get a top grade. If I didn't do well my mother would just behave different to me and it was hurtful; she would be silent or not talk to me as much.

One time I was in a parent teacher meeting with my mother and the teacher said that I was doing really well in school, my mother looked at me and she was happy. Next from what I remember is that she said it's either that (being good in school) or they get a "west Indie beating" my teacher laughed at that.