What is a basic fact about yourself that your Nparent has lied about?

For as long as I (32F) can remember, my Nmom (67F) has blamed me for being "fat." She claims I am the best thing that has ever happened to her and she is so grateful and happy to be a mother, but that statement has always been coupled with her expressing resentment that she gained a bunch of weight when she was pregnant with me. It led to this weird shame complex where I felt like I owed my mother so much because of her sacrifice, which, knowing what I know now was probably by design. It didn't help the situation that I've always been skinny growing up, which caused my mother to lament further.

I was having a conversation with my partner yesterday and telling him about my parents' eating habits versus my own. I told him I used to get shamed for not eating everything on my plate even though I was full, to the point where my Nmom screamed at me for not finishing my food (these were huge American portions) and something strange happened: my partner lovingly just looked at me and said, "babe, your parents are overweight because they eat like shit and don't exercise. It's not your fault." I felt like I was going to cry. And it's true, I never learned good nutrition at home even though my Nmom complained all the time that diets don't work, it's pure genetics, and some people are lucky and just naturally skinny. She would insist she tried to feed us healthy meals with vegetables, but she would always sabotage them by covering them with cheese (*edited to avoid claiming canned vegetables are unhealthy, it was mainly how she prepared them).

Tldr; I am not the reason my Nmom isn't fit. She is, and the fact she tried to blame it on me is disgusting. I don't have the greatest eating habits myself, but I definitely am not in the same boat and I can still learn exercise and nutrition.