Have your n-parents told you they're scared of you?

I'm confused. I've never seen this as a narcissist tactic, but it always seems to come up whenever I try to stand up to my mom. I'm wondering if this is some new tactic or something I should be aware of, because it's really getting to me, and not in the good way.

I know she has a history of emotional abuse with her own parents, but she keeps telling me that she's scared of me.

She can list loads of reasons. My voice is too loud, I'm too angry, I look scary, I'm taller than her, I talk like her parents, I remind her of her parents... but it's always the fact that why can't you talk nicer or why can't you stop yelling or this is exactly why I'm scared of you. It's a bit terrible, the fact that she constantly screams at her own child about how scared she is of her, but I'm pretty much used to it.

Because of this, I feel... legit terrible. About myself. I just feel like as a woman, I should be softer, less rough, less volatile... I don't know. I've always been the one to rock the boat in our family, and I've heard from multiple people that I'm very assertive, so maybe that's why?

So yeah, I'm just curious. Anyone else's n-parents (mom or dad, but I guess moms would be more prevalent) say they're scared of you? Does anyone else feel terrible in their own skin because of this?