Grandma passed away 😭

Like 10 hours ago I posted that she isn’t looking good and a little over 3 hours ago I got the extremely awkward call from my ubpdmom that she has passed away.

So the conversation with my mother went like this - “Her: Gran just died, and I wanted to tell you myself Me: softly thank you Her: I miss you Me: awkwardly I miss you too Her: I love you Me: more awkwardly I love you too Her: I want to see you again someday Me: I’m sorry about Gran Her: I love you Me & her said some awkward goodbye.”

She literally took this news as a way to get to me 😭

Then that proceeded with an email that read: “Is it possible to experience 9 months of hell. Like pregnancy, 9 months. Then labour was the day your gran died. So incredibly sore. The time I needed you most, you are not here.”

Then immediately that followed by another email that read: “Sorry, it was suppose to stay in drafts. It wasn’t meant to be sent. I am so sorry.”

It took me talking to my half sister (not same mother) to truly start processing the actual news and now I am crying and crying.

Why do they do this, the time we are the most vulnerable, they hit the hardest.

Side note - I shared a birthday with this Gran, we were incredibly close.