NZT Fokus mood enhancer? Experiences?

My friend let me know about a shop in town that sold supplements with phenibut in it. This was all I could find but of course, it's a proprietary blend. I'm wondering if anybody has used this, and if it is decent to stave off withdrawals.

I was taking 3gpd FAA, had to buy hcl and have been able to cut to about ~2gpd on that, but have run out while waiting on a FAA shipment from a sketchy site I've never dealt with before. It's been two weeks waiting for that. I work at a vitamins/supplement shop so I've gotten a few items, the kava tinctures have always helped especially take the edge off.

But the rest of the blend besides the phenibut, are more for brain performance enhancement. (Hence the "fokus" title).

B vitamins, D3, K2, then the 2471mg blend listed in order: Artichoke leaf extract Caffeine anhydrous N acetyl tyrosine Alpha gpc L theanine Ginkgo biloba Bacopa monnieri Vinpocetine Coleus forskohlii extract Phenibut

Serving size 2 capsules, 20 in the container, ran me $30.... If you Google the name you can see the label and ingredients.