Taper accountability!
I was about 200mg a day for the last 2 months. Yesterday was my first day dropping. Ended the day at 135mg. Today will be 100mg as well as the next few days. 3/17 is CT time ! I did 50mg this morning at 10am and then will do 50 before bed. I am definitely feeling super floaty right now lol. Need to wait at least 2 more hours before I can say it’s time for bed. The morning WD is far worse for me than the evening. This morning while waiting till my scheduled time, I felt like I was crammed in a suitcase while slowly running out of air🤣 I try to laugh at some of these crazy feelings and make light of them because how ridiculous it can seem. After all the worse you feel, the more you heal. There’s gotta be some joy in that.