Pre-IUI Testing Seems Excessive?
NOT looking for medical advice here - I’ve already sent a message to my care team, just looking for experiences!
I am waiting to have my intake appointment with the fertility clinic my spouse and I chose for IUI - they sent over a full breakdown of pre- testing. Most of it makes sense to me: ovarian reserve testing (LH, E, FSH, AMH), antral follicle count ultrasound, pap smear, STI testing via blood and urine, a hysterosalpingogram, and genetics testing. However, it also seems to require: an endometrial biopsy, FemVue, sonohysterogram, hysteroscopy, a mock transfer (we are not planning on IVF), and a clomiphene citrate challenge test.
I am a 29 year old with a consistent menstrual cycle and no family history of reproductive challenges. In the semi neurotic planning for all this testing, most of the second set of tests seemed limited or geared towards people with known infertility issues and/or people above the age of 40. I just cannot imagine a scenario where an endometrial biopsy would be required here let alone a few other things listed.
Looking for insights on folks on what their non-infertility fertility work up/testing looked like pre IUI just so I can approach this with the right expectations!