[Challenge] What if the Brightflame Rebellion(s) happened instead of the Blackfyre Rebellions?

From multiple comments GRRM has made, it can be reasonably inferred that Aerion Brightflame was likely meant to fill the role that Daemon Blackfyre and the Blackfyres eventually play in the narrative, being the progenitor of a rival branch of Targaryens for the mainline Targs to fight. This is tacitly foreshadowed in ACOK and The Hedge Knight, but was dropped by the time ASOS was written, presumably because it makes the timeline weird and places any potential "Brightflame Rebellion" in the living memory of older characters (Tywin/Hoster/Blackfish/etc, really anyone who in canon fought in the Ninepenny Kings' War) and as such makes it hard to have the Brightflame cause be as dead as the Blackfyres' is by the start of the books.

But what if we forgot all that and tried anyways? What do you guys think a Brightflame Rebellion would have looked like? From AGOT, ACOK, and the Hedge Knight (as well as comments GRRM made), we know:

  • It wouldn't have actually involved Aerion since it was established in ACOK he died before Maekar;
  • It would have definitely involved his son Maegor II, which if he was an adult when it happened places the Brightflame Rebellion to be around the 250s AC at the earliest.
  • At least some of Aerion's descendents would've survived in Lys but GRRM never elaborated if these were Maegor's kids or just other bastards. Likely the latter.
  • I think it also would have had to happen before Aerys took the throne so there's enough time for the Brightflame cause to fully die out by the time of Robert's Rebellion.

So assuming that the Brightflame Rebellion happened instead of the Blackfyre Rebellions, what do you think canon would be like? Which lords do you think would've supported the Brightflame claim?