when did your adolescent pup get free-roam status at home?
i have a 13 month old shiba. i feel like he's on a huge adolescent kick right now and is super curious, energetic, and just a general trouble maker if hes not sleeping or getting active attention from me, leading to me always having a leash on him at home (ex. the bottom third of our christmas tree is now without any decorations, lol). just feel like he is constantly overstimulated unless i put him in a crate.
i guess my question is when will I be able to let him walk around at home like a normal dog/ without him being overexcited about every household object he sees? is this just a curious/ rebellious adolescent phase? i cant trust him at all so if i ever need to leave to get groceries he needs to be in a crate which is not ideal as well because he doesn't like being in a crate longer than 2 hours and I want to leave him for longer sometimes in the future