feeling completely lost: in school getting me BA in psych

20, F, midwest of US. I received my associates in arts, psychology, in december I got my associates at CC to avoid debt at all cost. i've been going to the cheapest Uni within a 50 mile radius to me. I hatteeeee this university everyone has been so unhelpful and the classes im in right now are such a joke. I feel like im wasting my time and money. i'm registered for next year. Even with paying out of pocket and like 30k in scholarships a year I'll still graduate with about 14k in federal loans. I want my bachelors but i have no interest in doing anything after that, nor do I want to go the clinical route. I have really sever OCD and seasonal depression and it's taken a toll on me and what i think about my future. I really just want a half decent paying 9-5 office job and i feel like that will be impossible to get with just my bachelors. Also- i am not doing any internships because besides my federal loans and scholarships i have to pay completely out of pocket so i am working to pay for school, and my job is like the only consistent thing in my life and I have no intention of changing that. Most of the internships anywhere near me are all clinical too. At this point i feel i'd be better off dropping out and just trying to work my way up the corporate ladder. I'm just really in need of some words of encouragement. school feels like a scam. I over work myself to maintain a 4.0 and i feel like it's a waste of effort. Any advice or input appreciated :)