Jailbreak PS3 for RB1 / 2 / 3 Songs?

Trying to figure out the best way to play RB. It seems like the best way to play now is either Clone Hero on PC or get the original console because emulators aren't reliable. I already have a gaming PC so I figured I can always try out Clone Hero, but I'd like to get an original console set up.

I was thinking either PS3 or PS4 because they can be jailbroken. My question is, could I get a PS4 and put all the RB 1 2 & 3 songs on a RB4 for PS4? Or am I better off getting a PS3 and putting all the songs from RB 1 2 on RB3 for PS3?

Also any instruments recommendation? I heard RB1 is the worst but is there a difference between RB2 and RB3 instruments?