Why I love Prusa

Hello, all,

I wanted to quickly share my experience with Prusa today, and why I'm very happy I went with them over competitors.

When I was considering which 3D printer to invest in, I was eventually won over by the argument that while Prusa machines may not have every advantage over some brands, they do have amazing customer support.

Recently, my Mk4 has been clogging, showing weird signs of heat creep while not presenting others. I tried this and that, a hundred cold pulls, and got very mixed results.

Days of building frustration shown themselves to be wasted effort, because after a 10 minute line for Prusa's 24/7 chat support, the guy figured out it was a motor bearing failure immediately. I never even knew that could be an option to consider, nor could I find it as a solution on forums anywhere. It was my last resort to contact the manufacturer, and problem would've left my system collecting dust if it didn't work out.

After diagnosing the issue with me, the support tech sent me a new motor free of charge.

For anyone who's in the research phase of purchasing a printer, I couldn't recommend Prusa enough.

TL;DR: Prusa techs have a 24/7 service where they diagnosed my week long issue within minutes and sent me a new part for free.