The most irrefutable pro-life argument: the purpose of the uterus

Everyone knows at this point (if you’re not ignoring the facts) that a fetus is a living human. Yet, pro-choicers still stand by abortion rights. Why?! If they don’t care about the preservation of life, how can we argue?

I once heard a story about a college debate over abortion. The pro-choice side had fully agreed that the fetus is a human. They proceeded to tell a fictional story about a world-famous talented violinist who was in dire need of a kidney transplant. A person was being forced to give up a kidney to keep the violinist, whom they did not know, alive. Clearly, this would be a bad thing. They drew a parallel between this story, and forcing a woman to follow through with pregnancy, as a woman has to “give up” her body.

THE PRO-LIFE REBUTTAL WAS EXCELLENT. The uterus is the only useful organ in the human body that is not beneficial to the person who bears it. (Also consider most other parts of the reproductive system) Most all of our organs are useful to us, but women don’t NEED the uterus! We can take em out! The uterus was created solely to house and nourish babies. Once the baby is in the uterus, it’s theirs, not the woman’s. They have the right to use that uterus. Their lives depend on it. Yes, other parts of the woman’s body are affected, but she still has all of her life-giving organs for her use.

I may be missing parts of this story or argument, so feel free to correct me or add to it. What are your thoughts on this argument?