Whats you favorite change to B42.4 ?
Personaly its that :
- Added a Crafted Baseball Bat item and the craftRecipe to make it. It requires Carving 9, and has to be learned. But also you can research it from wooden Baseball Bats, Large Branches, and Short Bats.
-Additionally sometimes trashed buildings will have one or more zombies or corpses of bandits/survivalists/militia in them; this is rare, but as those outfits can have good loot, it will serve as "finding some of the missing loot.
- Added the Trait "Inventive" which provides a benefit with learning recipes from items or the autoLearn mechanic by reducing the required level; it still needs an icon.
- Added the Trait "Artisan" which provides +1 to Pottery and Glassmaking; it also still needs an icon.
-Filleting fish provides Butchering XP and not Cooking XP.
- Several carving recipes, including forks, buckets, goblets and spades, require being learned.
- Road kills will now yield way less meat and of poor quality.
- Sledgehammers can spawn as surface clutter in Farm Storage and Garage roomdefs.
- Packing eggs in a carton sets the carton's freeze time to the average freeze time of the 12 eggs.
sad day for this tho :
- Fixed being able to chop down infinite trees with Stone Axes.