Week One is not a total mess...


I've started playing the week one mod and I am really enjoying it! Before installing it I've read some comments about it being a total mess and buggy and all that. But from what I have experienced it's the complete opposite!

I started playing as a cop Rosewood and immediately spawned in my own house and a car parked outside (I had keys to both of them right in the beginning). I went to the police department and talked to some people. They actually responded to things such as "hello" and"how are you" and all that (I can't wait for B43 with more intelligent AI). I got myself a police car and drove around town with nothing really happening. I bought some food and saw a priest surrounded by a crowd cheering for him. This mod even has AI cars which is pass by you from time to time!

The next days were similar with the shelves getting more empty and Muldraugh getting isolated by the military. The news were telling some weird stuff about some cases of infected people and riots is Louisville. Besides two robberies and a dead person on Sunday, nothing really happened.

But on Monday, everything changed. A helicopter passed over Rosewood with an announcement saying that an outbreak is happening and that everyone should stay inside. People started to panic and barricade themselves. There were groups of raiders forming which broke into houses and stole stuff. Me and my fellow officers were trying to respond quickly but were not enough officers to always respond in time. We started swatting houses and shooting at the bandits, but I got hit. I retrieved to the car and applied some bandages. But there was no time to relax as another home invasion has been reported a couple houses away. When I got there, two officers were already shooting at the intruders. While trying to use a window to enter the building, I got shot in the chest. I was starting to bleed out. I ran to the car to get the first aid kit.

I died :D

That was my first experience with the week one mod, didn't even make it to the zombies yet. But if you are thinking about playing with it, I absolutely encourage you to do so! The AI is not perfect but it's working pretty well for what it is.