Why do Working Moms hate on SAHMs so much?

I’ve come to the conclusion that if a woman is that small minded that she thinks someone staying home can’t be feminist then she herself is not feminist. The entire backbone of feminism is supporting women having a choice. I CHOSE to stay home because I WANT to and yet in this day and age I receive so much flack for it and so many assumptions like “when is your baby starting daycare?!” They’re not! And “what will you do if you get a divorce?” Umm do you actually think I have zero savings as a thirty something year old mom? Like hello what was the point of waiting to have kids if not to build a safety net… I always assume that people who think I’m financially dependent on my husband are just financially illiterate and projecting the fact that THEY would be dependent on their husbands with no money to their name if they chose to stay home.