New prius owner and the hostility on the road
This is ridiculous i have trucks tailgating me swerving in my lane right in front of me nearly causing crashes going 70mph. Have people lost their minds? I had a truck today tailgate me for 2 miles then to try and pass me on the right even though i was already going over 10 the speed limit, he couldn't pass because of the car in front of him being slower so he decided to just drive into my lane nearly hitting me. No blinker nothing, 70mph i would have died if my car lost control. Anyways i got his plates on my dash cam and gonna pursue to book this dude for reckless driving. Only 200 miles on my new prius and i had many more incidents like this happen already. Why do people hate my car?
edit: i had another car in front of me so i could not go any faster, after basically driving into my car forcing me to slam on my brakes or his back wheel would shred my bumper he sat behind the car that was in front of me tailgating them for another minute