Any other Prius drivers get undeserved rage from other drivers?

I own and drive a silver Prius V. I would say I’m a decent driver, 90% of the time I’m following the road rules albeit with the occasional 5-10 over the speed limit or the occasional space-out about something.

Over the past 2 years of owning this thing I feel like I’ve seen an uptick in the amount of weird unprompted road rage from other drivers. For example, I just yielded to 2 lanes of oncoming traffic while turning left across a 4 lane rd. Seemed pretty normal, but one of the oncoming drivers gave me the middle finger.

I’ve had a few other weird incidences like this: someone following me and yelling fuck you and mimicking shooting a gun with their fingers, or tailgating while I slow down in a school zone and recording me with their phone.

As far as I’m aware, I was doing everything right and driving conscientiously. What gives!?

Edit bc assumptions are being made about my driving: I am definitely an assertive driver. Learned how to drive in the Bronx and then lived in Boston for 8 years.