Dog attack and everyday carry knife.

A bit of a long post / rant, as I'm just back from the after hours vet and cant sleep. Thought my experience today would be a good reminder to always carry a knife if it is legal in your part of the world.

In New Zealand we don't carry firearms and legally wouldn't be able to carry a pistol on our hips as an EDC.

TLDR: had my knife on me and can honestly say it helped save my dogs lives tonight.

Long story time :

I always thought I'd be able to fight a dog in hand to hand (figuratively). I've always managed to fend off aggressive dogs in the past mainly without having to use physical force.

Unfortunately, today wasn't one of those days. Today my dogs were attacked during our routine walk by a bull terrier type dog.

In all honesty, it would have only been 20-30 seconds from when the aggressor dog jumped the 1.8m high fence (5ft 10") (from the dogs backyard onto the council walkway) and when I was largely able to end the attack.

The first 10-15 seconds or so was a mix of panic combined by ground and pound to the dogs head. Keeping the dog pinned down and using one of the leashes around the aggressor dogs neck to try to choke it to release my dog, while punching its head as much as I could.

The dog just wouldn't let go and was really going for a kill, it had latched on near the neck of my dog.

I had to keep the aggressor dog pinned down so it couldn't tear a chunk off my dog. The aggressor dog was really trying to rag doll to rip open the bite. It eventually rag dolled with enough force to make me lose my position on it.

I realised at that moment that punching the dog in the head was having no effect. I'm definetly not the world's strongest striker, but having had some experience fighting people similar in size to me. Me punching their face full force made them quickly stop what they were doing. However, this bull terrier type dog breed is really built for fighting, more than the average person i guess.

Fortunately, upon realising punching was getting me no where, and my dogs lives on the line... I remembered my folding knife in my back pocket. I flicked it open and had to shank the aggressor dog twice before it released my dog. It literally stared me down as if it was considering to fight me.

It made a second attempt at my dogs, I closed the distance to attempt another stab. The dog realised and stopped mid lunge. Fortunately a neighbour heard my yelling and came in with a bat to get the dog to back off so I could get my dogs to safety.

The whole time the shit stain owners didn't come out, they were in their living room with the TV on. I was yelling F'n loud, loud enough that the neighbour from two houses down came to help. The owners didn't come out, even after a few minutes when I had taken my dogs to the neighbours to check for serious injury.

I was able to get my dogs home, did a quick antiseptic wash of the wounds. Put some antiseptic cream on the wounds and get the dogs to the vet within 20 minutes, calling ahead so they'd be seen when I arrived.

My dogs are recovering with a few deep bites. They've been given a few things for the next few days: cleaning solution, antibiotics, creams, painkillers, and cones. There goes the rest of the week looking after them - but I'm glad they made it out without anything more life threatening.

Things I would do differently:

The moment the dog bit my dog I should have taken my knife out and stabbed the attacking dog.

My EDC is the CRKT CEO. Great knife but didn't do anywhere near enough instant damage to the attacking dog to make it stop straight away. Hell, it even thought of fighting me after two quick shanks into it's rear. May have been different if I went for the neck early on, would hsve ended the dog there and then.

Need to have an EDC blade that balances between a reasonable reason to have on me and the size of the blade. Might start carrying the Leatherman Free K2 instead.

Post attack:

The council had been called and should have picked the aggressor dog up this evening as it was still roaming.

I will follow up in the morning on pushing to get the dog destroyed and the owners prosecuted.

Unfortunately the owners live in government housing (I had the property title pulled while waiting at the vets) and with the law on my side I'll be lucky to see $5 a month out of them. All in it will likely cost me almost $2500 NZD in costs.

The same owners have another bull terrier type dog on the property that has been seen to jump and peer over the fence at passers by. These owners can't be trusted. So I will also be asking the animal control officer what steps they will be taking to prevent a future incident happening.

Similarly I've contacted the government housing provider. New Zealand is an absolute joke, with the current Labour government. The unofficial/official policy is that there is a no evictions policy. Government tenants have literally assaulted neighbours and have been allowed to continue living in the government accommodation with no consequences. The victims are then forced to move to avoid further assaults.

So I'm not holding my breath for a fair outcome for me, but I will try and get a court order to garnish their government benefit to pay me back, even if it takes 20 years.