stressing about my age

So i’m currently 25, in school part-time, applying for university this year and will be graduating high school next year (depression in my teens and all that). By the time I start my undergrad i’ll be 26. My current plan is to become a pathologist’s assistant, which is a 4 yr degree + 2 yr masters program. I am doing this because i am passionate about the field but primarily because I’m concerned about how old I will be once i’m done with school, and the med school route will take twice as long. However lately I have been thinking about possibly going to med school to become a pathologist. This would make me so happy and it is my dream career path but I am concerned about being in school until I am in my late 30s.

I also have a different education history as I was in alt-ed for a while and have little experience with studying/exams.

Does anyone else have any similar experiences? Would it be worth it to pursue the med school path? Am I being dramatic, is starting med school later in life more common than I think?

edit: thank you everyone for your kind responses. it’s reassuring to know i’m not alone in this situation. i will be making a ton of notes!