What is something you wish you knew while pre-med?

I'm a current undergraduate, about to be graduate, student at my university. I am going into my third year as the president of the pre-med club. I go to a small-ish university, so there is not much of a pre-med community yet and I am pretty much single-handedly building it. We have a "pre-med" advisor but he has a business degree in healthcare administration and has never been to med school. Because of that, everyone comes to me for pre-med advice instead of him.

I try to do my best. I research everything I can, following everything and anything med on all social media, I even have a weekly question form for my members to ask me questions. I spend 5+ hours a week researching sometimes. I want to help as much as I can since I'm like their only resource, so what questions do you wish someone answered?