Accepting that I may need a gap year

I guess this is more of a vent but.. I’m horribly burnt out. I’m a junior, graduating a semester early, double majoring, working as a scribe, classes, MCAT studying, and have organizations to worry about. I had hopes that I would be able to matriculate into med school right after college but I don’t know if I can. I have 8am classes, sometimes work until 1am at school. I got so burnt out at one point I was wondering my reasons for going into medicine. Obviously I want to be a doctor, and my plan B is quite literally to try again but I really need a gap year and find myself I guess. I guess the issue is telling my parents. I feel like I let myself down, I know a lot of applicants take gap years but I never planned out one. I just feel like I failed my own expectations. But there’s no point in entering this field if I can’t find myself first