Losing my 4.0 to BADMINTON
I go to a university that requires physical education classes. Every semester, we choose a sport to participate in. I chose badminton. I showed up every day for class...but I am a slow runner. So, when I went to take a field test (yes all students have to take field tests lol), I didn't do so hot. Brought my grade down to a low B. Considering fighting this but on the other hand...part of me thinks this could be a funny conversation topic in interviews. Thoughts? Can't believe I'm dealing with this as a 20-something college student.
Edit: Thank you all for your support. I am still not sure what I'm going to do. I may ask for extra credit. But failing my field test will definitely be something I can write about.
Fun fact - You know that movie McFarland USA? I'm like Danny. I'll run fast for food or donuts. My nickname in HS cross country was Tugboat.