Acting Extracurricular
I’m currently a freshman and have been sort of planning out what extracurriculars I want to be involved in and what I’m going to stick with for the next four years.
I’m a voice actor for movies and I have the opportunity to do a variety of different roles during the next 4 years, do you guys think that is worth putting on my application? I understand it’s not medicine related but I know I also should be involving myself activities outside of medicine to have a well rounded application.
I don’t make a ton of money off of it or anything but I was wondering if any of you think it’s worth tracking the hours for. I feel like it’s unique and not many applicants are able to do things like that, but I could be completely wrong.
Also, if you think it’s worth it. How many hours in the studio do you think I need for it to make sense that it’s on my application?