Low stat - High Success!
I had a 3.4 gpa and 510 MCAT.
I applied to 12 MD schools, 5 interviews (one T20 CA on-hold), 3 R, and 3 acceptances so far. And outside the T20, I’ve been accepted to my top choice!
3 of the interviews were CA schools, the others were in metropolitan areas. 2 of the acceptances in CA offer full tuition.
Without the advice of my mentor, I’d probably have retaken the mcat, gotten a postbacc or masters, and waited another 2 years minimum before applying.
I got into a school with an avg mcat of 517 and gpa of 3.9. I truly believe that you need a 528 to be accepted but that this doesn’t need to be in stats. You can have a 528 with personality, character, quality of experiences and so much more. Don’t sell yourself short, apply to the right places, and be confident in your app.
I’m also black and it’s bhm so I’m feeling the ancestral love. To all my FGLI URM applicants, you can do it.