What language should I take as a premed?

Hii current freshman premed here who has to take 2 semesters of a language. My options-

- Spanish: heard it's pretty easy at my school which is better gpa-wise, I did ap spanish in high school so I'm decent at it (if not amazing). I would probably start at the first level because I don't rlly want to test out. only thing is I'm less interested in Spanish and idk if it'd be a waste of tuition to just take basic Spanish again if that makes sense. i'm also way less close to fluency than I am with chinese

- Chinese: I'm a native speaker but I can't read or write and my speaking is kind of broken. I would be in the native speaking class so the focus is on learning reading/writing, but I heard this class is alot harder. I definitely feel I would gain more practical knowledge and am more personally interested in learning Chinese because I can already understand fluently and have family who speak it

Which is better from a premed pov, if I'm weighing grades vs interest?