507 mcat, 3.59 gpa, 2 MD, 3 DO acceptances

I’ve been meaning to write this for two months now but my laziness got the best of me unfortunately ☝🏼.

I honestly didn’t expect to have made it this far. After scaring myself by looking at the all the sankeys, I was sure I wasn’t going to have a successful cycle. But I ended up getting 8 II, attended 5 of them and got accepted to all the schools I interviewed at.

Both of the MD schools are in state (CT) which most likely also has a hand in my acceptance.

I’m an ORM, CT resident, no X factor in my app, pretty good extracurriculars (I think) and an upward GPA.

I hope this gives hope to anyone who’s currently studying for the MCAT 🫶🏽