'Get the epidural'

Some of us... can't, due to accessibility where we live, physical constraints, or type of pregnancy.

My due date is approaching, and I'm scared of the pain.

Edit: thank you everyone for the encouragement. To answer a few common themes people bring up: elective c-section is not an option as per my hospital's rules. But there's a 50% chance I will need one, since I'm expecting twins. Both were head down at my last scan, so doctors said I can try vaginally. I want to try vaginally.

I'm just scared of the pain and can't get an epidural due to the hospital policy (which will be the same nearly everywhere in this country). Water birth is not an option. I will need to be induced around 36w since the babies share a placenta, so avoiding pitocin is a slim chance, and would mean my babies are even more preterm.

I will not change hospitals as this one is one of the best in the country, has a top-notch NICU, and is equipped to deal with any emergencies that may occur.