My experience going to the hospital for reduced fetal movement
Im 31 weeks and My baby didn't move at all since waking up in the morning and after about 3 hours I went to the hospital for a non stress test. My midwife called ahead for me so they knew I was coming. They are meant to ask you questions in the waiting room but I was crying so hard I couldn't get the answers out and a nurse swooped in and was like "okay no more questions lets get you on a monitor right now" I was in the waiting room less than 10 minutes.
Baby's heart rate was fine but he wasn't moving at all so they monitored me for about an hour and had me drink apple juice and ice water and didn't take me off until he was moving more. I'm still not really sure what happened maybe he was just taking a very long nap in there. I'll know more once the report gets uploaded to my online health records.
I felt really embarrassed going in but the staff were so nice to me and said its always the right thing to do if you feel anything is unusual. They didn't once make me feel like I was being dramatic. They took me seriously and once I had calmed down continued to monitor me. I didn't feel rushed out of there even though my average baby was being very average.
I was in and out in less than 2 hours.
I just want to say just go. A little embarrassment is better than losing your baby and healthcare workers are actual angels.