i just found out my boyfriends parents didn’t know about my pregnancy for 8 months.

exactly what the title says. i’m using my burner because he knows my actual reddit account. this is going to be long, i’m sorry.

let me start from the very beginning. i (25f) found out i was pregnant in august 2024, to a man (26M) that i’ve been involved with for 14 years. we always had issues because his parents don’t care for me and never “let him” move in with me (yes i know he’s a grown adult and can make his own decisions, yes i know i’m stupid.) he begged me for this baby. he begged to start a family and told me that his parents would have to be okay with it and that he would move in with me immediately.

i’m 34 weeks pregnant today. he told me that he told them about my pregnancy after my first trimester had ended (wanted to get out of the danger zone first.) since then he has made up elaborate lies about them not being supportive. he fabricated small and large details about conversations that he apparently had with them many times over the course of the last 8 months that never even took place. it caused major issues for us in our relationship because he was missing so any important milestones during this pregnancy. i had practically zero support from anyone on his end. he wouldn’t move in with me during this entire pregnancy, kept putting it off because of this. for what i thought was because they weren’t supportive, but it turns out it was because he never even told them.

i guess he saw things getting bad with me recently and decided to pack his things and finally break down and tell them what has been going on. i’ve been in so much pain. i’ve been busting my ass around my apartment to get ready for this baby. i put the entire nursery together practically by myself. my baby has severe IUGR less than the 1%ile. i’m hysterical. i’m getting big, and simple tasks are becoming much harder for me to complete (bringing groceries in, walking my dogs, showering, etc.) i need help, ive been needing help and he knows that.

he told them on monday night. they were fine with it. supportive. over the moon even. floored to have a grandson on the way. pissed off because he hid it so long and painted them out to be people they aren’t to me and my entire family. sad that they haven’t been involved this entire time. they want to make it up to me, throw me a shower and spread love to me and my son with what little time we have left. i didn’t know any of this until yesterday night. i had no idea they didn’t know for the past 8 months. i hadn’t contacted them all this time because i was told they weren’t supportive and i was leaving it be, if they didn’t want to be involved with their grandchild then whatever. i feel for them. we all got the shitty end of the stick.

this doesn’t even scratch the surface of everything that has taken place in the last 72 hours. there’s no word in the english dictionary that could accurately describe how angry i am. i’m hurt. i’m miserable. i feel cheated of what could have been a blissful, supportive, beautiful pregnancy for the last 8 months. instead it was incredibly lonely. i cry myself to sleep most nights because i’m alone and have no support. he begged me for this and then turned around and made me go through this entire pregnancy all on my own. and for no good reason.

how would i ever be able to trust anything he ever says to me again? his lies were so elaborate and convincing. who knows what he’s lied about before this or what he would continue to lie about in the future. more than anything i’m so extremely hurt that i just struggled so hard and was in so much agony for 8 entire months for no good reason at all. i literally don’t even know where to go from here.

thanks for listening.