How long until you let others meet baby/take baby out

Hi hi!

I’m being medically induced on the 27th and my baby will be here no later than the 28th.

My MIL has already set up for my husband, baby, and I to all go over her house to meet everyone (family) and close family friends 1 week after baby is born.

Am I wrong to feel like that’s too soon? This might sound selfish but I’m mostly worried about how I’ll be feeling recovering from giving birth and don’t know if in a week I’ll be up to going anywhere even if it is just her house.

I know everyone meeting our little one is vaccinated and currently not sick and if anyone is feeling sick we obviously won’t go over but just wondering, how soon did y’all take your baby out/let your baby meet others? Do you usually feel better a week after birth? TIA!