Why is induction pushed so much?

Genuine question - why is induction pushed so much for non-medical reasons? Just finished up my 39 week appointment, baby is perfectly healthy/fluid is great/head down/etc. but no signs of labor other than some braxton hicks. I’m a FTM so I was fully expecting going over my due date or even up to 42 weeks. During the appointment, they said “let’s go ahead and schedule your induction for next thursday” which is one day before I’m 40 weeks … my 2 coworkers also got induced right before/right at 40 weeks for no medical reasons at all; just that their doctor’s recommended it. One of them wasn’t showing any signs (just like me) of labor and it ended in a c-section due to no progression in over 36 hours. I have a doula and she agreed that in the past couple years OBs have seemed to be pushing inductions more and more. Does anyone know why induction seems to be pushed so much lately? I feel like almost every story i hear it’s of someone getting induced before or right at 40 weeks. I guess I’m just confused why it’s so popular seemingly recently. If you got induced by choice, why? I’ve heard many people say they do it early because they’re “over being pregnant” but in my opinion that’s not a good enough reason to try and force it.